OskiStealer botnet controller @

The host at this IP address is running a malware botnet controller which is being used to control infected computers (bots) around the globe using a trojan horse.

OskiStealer botnet controller located at on port 80 (using HTTP POST):

$ dig +short oilproduce.xyz

Referencing malware binaries (MD5 hash):
6a51b8b71173219c11f735c7ad16f741 — AV detection: 12 / 64 (18.75)
a989e8f8982eb3edd6684d790b22e48e — AV detection: 17 / 59 (28.81)
f33463d46b84ab7709b754cc0eb808ba — AV detection: 15 / 67 (22.39)

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