Loki botnet controller @

The host at this IP address is running a malware botnet controller which is being used to control infected computers (bots) around the globe using a trojan horse. Loki botnet controller located at on port 80 (using HTTP POST): hXXp://qtd8gcdoplav737wretjqmaiy.gq/Kent2/fre.php $ dig +short qtd8gcdoplav737wretjqmaiy.gq Referencing malware binaries (MD5 hash): 01dfa2db4bfb87e5a5d2d4e5d8c00f5f — AV detection:… Читать далее Loki botnet controller @

Loki botnet controller @

The host at this IP address is running a malware botnet controller which is being used to control infected computers (bots) around the globe using a trojan horse. Loki botnet controller located at on port 80 (using HTTP POST): hXXp://qtd8gcdoplav737wretjqmaiy.cf/Kent1/fre.php $ dig +short qtd8gcdoplav737wretjqmaiy.cf

Spam Hosting (OMICS)

Cloudlare hosts the A records and website of the domain acmcasereport.com. This domain belongs to OMICS, a publisher of «open-access» journals that spams scraped, purchased, or appended lists to solicit contributions and (by implication) fees and/or subscriptions. Cloudflare: Please remove this domain and any others held by the same entity from your service. Received: from… Читать далее Spam Hosting (OMICS)

Spam Hosting (OMICS)

Cloudlare hosts the A records and website of the domain acmcasereport.com. This domain belongs to OMICS, a publisher of «open-access» journals that spams scraped, purchased, or appended lists to solicit contributions and (by implication) fees and/or subscriptions. Cloudflare: Please remove this domain and any others held by the same entity from your service. Received: from… Читать далее Spam Hosting (OMICS)

AZORult botnet controller @

The host at this IP address is running a malware botnet controller which is being used to control infected computers (bots) around the globe using a trojan horse. AZORult botnet controller located at on port 80 (using HTTP POST): hXXp://whija2.xyz/index.php $ dig +short whija2.xyz Referencing malware binaries (MD5 hash): 0049f8aff0372cd5b7066ae4622a0f9b — AV detection:… Читать далее AZORult botnet controller @

Malware botnet controller @

The host at this IP address is running a malware botnet controller which is being used to control infected computers (bots) around the globe using a trojan horse. Malware botnet controller located at on port 80 (using HTTP POST): hXXp://berryglobals21.xyz//inc/105d47e967eb0b.php $ dig +short berryglobals21.xyz Other malicious domain names hosted on this IP address:… Читать далее Malware botnet controller @

Spamvertised websites

Received: from varilokaminadere.org.uk (varilokaminadere.org.uk. []) Date: Wed, 02 Mar 2022 07:1x:xx +0000 From: «Surge MasterCard» <contact@varilokaminadere.org.uk> Subject: The perfect credit card for all credit types. http://astraloched.site/track/[] https://rockpriority.com/0/0/0/[] https://warmenbrace.com/?s1=350676&s2=[]&s3=2357&s4=0&ow=&s10=739 https://stagningtrump.com/[] https://beatxup.com/click?s2=[]&s1=350676&s3=2357&trvid=10561&s4=0&ow=36 https://coupvariant.com/?a=162&c=4035&s2=[]&s1=350676 https://ama.yourstrulynow.com/nl-nl/?o=4076&r=[]&a=162&sa=350676 https://payment.terr3fick.com/0ab9e/gateway.html?sid=[]

Loki botnet controller @

The host at this IP address is running a malware botnet controller which is being used to control infected computers (bots) around the globe using a trojan horse. Loki botnet controller located at on port 80 (using HTTP POST): hXXp://75bccc18b4d1631c2ecda542c872db27.cf/Ausin2/fre.php $ dig +short 75bccc18b4d1631c2ecda542c872db27.cf Referencing malware binaries (MD5 hash): 01dfa2db4bfb87e5a5d2d4e5d8c00f5f — AV detection:… Читать далее Loki botnet controller @